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How to Get Rid of Cockroaches Naturally

May 8, 2012

How to get rid of cockroaches naturally in the house is not an easy job to do in the house. Almost of us is annoyed with the pest in our house especially cockroaches. This kind of pest is very annoying in the night because they are roaming around and contaminating our things.

Cockroaches are dangerous because they can contaminate our food and can cause diseases. Cockroaches bring different kinds of diseases that is why we need to know how to get rid of cockroaches and the best way to kill them.

Simple ways I use on how to get rid of cockroaches naturally:

1.Know How to Spot a Cockroach

We really need to know where the hiding spot of cockroaches is so that it would be easy to get rid of cockroaches. Because even if we kill cockroach everyday in our house if we don’t get rid of their hiding spot, cockroaches will only come back because cockroach can easily multiply. So it is easy to kill and get rid of them in our house if we kill them in their hiding place and can’t come back.

Cockroaches are always can be found in the corner places in our house especially in cabinets, kitchen sink, kitchen cabinets and in the comfort room. It easy to find cockroaches in the night because cockroaches are nocturnal pest which they start showing up a lot in the night compare in the morning. After we found the hiding spot of the cockroaches we can plan in the morning on how to get rid of cockroaches so that it would be easy to us.

2.Use Bay leaves to protect your cabinets from cockroaches

We can avoid cockroaches in our cabinets by using bay leaves. Put bay leaves on each cabinet in your house. A cockroach doesn’t like the smell of bay leaves and they won’t go inside of you cabinet if you put bay leaves.

This is one of the best ways how to get rid of cockroaches in the cabinet and it is safe for our children because if we use insecticide or cockroach bait there is a possibility that our child might eat it and can cause poisoning. It is really good to use bay leaves in our cabinets in order to avoid cockroaches and make sure that our children and family is safe.

3.Use Boric Acid Mix with Raw Egg

You can use boric acid mix with raw egg and form into balls. This is very effective on how to get rid of cockroach’s home remedies because boric acid can be easily bought and almost of us have boric acid in the house and also for the raw egg.

We just only combine the raw egg and the boric acid and form into balls then place it on the spot in our house we found from ““Know how to spot a cockroach” section so that cockroaches will die. Put this also under our kitchen sink, kitchen cabinets and places where you think that cockroaches might live there.

We need to put in kitchen cabinet because it is dangerous if cockroaches contaminate our food and utensils in the kitchen. And also don’t forget to clean your house always because cleaning is the most important thing to get rid of cockroaches and not only cockroaches we can get rid of also with other pests that trying to live in our house.

This is my simple ways on how to get rid of cockroaches naturally in my house which helps me a lot. If I get rid of cockroaches in my house so you are. I hope you find this article helpful on how to get rid of cockroaches naturally.

For more information visit how to get rid of cockroaches

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